Cirrhosis is an advanced stage of liver disease and its complications. The symptoms of this disease might not appear initially. The possible causes of this can be
- Alcohol abuse
- Hepatitis
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
The treatment for this depends on the cause of cirrhosis and the extent of damage caused.
What is liver cirrhosis?
A late-stage liver condition called cirrhosis causes the liver to become irreversibly damaged when scar liver tissue replaces good tissue, which stops the normal functioning of tissue, leading to the disease. Numerous disorders and diseases of the liver harm healthy liver cells, leading to cell death and inflammation. This is followed by cell repair leading to tissue scarring
The scar tissue reduces the liver’s ability to absorb nutrients, hormones, medicines, and natural toxins and limits blood flow through the liver (poisons). Additionally, it reduces the liver’s ability to produce proteins and other chemicals. Over time, cirrhosis prevents the liver from functioning normally. Cirrhosis in its advanced stages is fatal.
Cirrhosis symptoms vary with the stage of the disease. When an illness is in its early stages, there are typically no symptoms. Some of them might include:
- Loss of appetite.
- Feeling weak or tired.
- Nausea.
- Fever
- Unexpected weight loss.
These might be followed by:
- Easy bruising and bleeding.
- Jaundice
- Itchy skin.
- Swelling (edema) in your legs, feet, and ankles.
- Fluid buildup in your belly/abdomen (ascites).
- Brownish or orange color to your urine.
- Light-colored stools.
- Confusion, difficulty thinking, memory loss, and personality changes.
- Blood in your stool.
- Redness in the palms of your hands.
- Spider-like blood vessels surround small, red spots on your skin (telangiectasias).
- In men: loss of sex drive, enlarged breasts (gynecomastia), shrunken testicles.
- In women: premature menopause (no longer having your menstrual period).
Cirrhosis is always caused by another liver condition or illness. If the cirrhosis’ underlying cause is not addressed, it will worsen and eventually, your healthy liver cells won’t be able to keep up. You can begin to experience fatigue, the urge to skip meals, and unintentional weight loss. Your liver may eventually lose its ability to function well or at all.
Understanding the origin of your cirrhosis is crucial for determining the best course of treatment and preventing further progression. The most common reason include:
- Alcohol Abuse: It’s critical to seek assistance if you have a drinking issue. The liver is harmed by alcohol. Consult your physician. They might suggest a treatment center for you.
- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Obesity increases your risk of developing this illness. If this illness is the source of your cirrhosis, losing weight and managing your blood sugar levels may help your liver health.
- Hepatitis C or B: The treatment for these illnesses can prevent further liver damage.
The following conditions can also result in cirrhosis:
- Dysplastic fibrosis
- health conditions that make it difficult for your body to metabolize sugar
- Having too much iron in your body
- Wilson’s illness, in which the liver accumulates too much copper
- illnesses that trigger your immune system to assault liver cells
- the bile duct, which transports digestive enzymes from your liver to your intestines, is blocked
- certain gastrointestinal genetic disorders
- Several diseases, such as syphilis and brucellosis
- adverse effects of some drugs
Stages and Diagnosis of Cirrhosis
You might not immediately have cirrhosis symptoms, so you could not discover you have it until you have a routine examination. When you attend, your doctor will ask you about your medical history and drinking habits. They will also check your liver to see whether it is uncomfortable or larger than it should be.
Tests: If your doctor suspects you may have cirrhosis, they will order a blood test. It will search for signs that your liver isn’t working properly, such as:
- increased levels of certain liver enzymes
- accumulation of bilirubin, a substance created by the metabolism of heme. Foods from animals, such as chicken and red meat, include heme iron, which is derived from hemoglobin.
- Your blood has low protein levels.
- irregular blood count
- the presence of a virus
- When you have an autoimmune liver condition, antibodies develop
Additionally, your doctor might perform an ultrasound or an MRI on your abdomen. A biopsy, which involves taking a sample of your liver tissue, may also be necessary to determine the extent of the damage and, possibly, the underlying cause of your liver disease. (Learn more about cirrhosis testing.)
Cirrhosis stages
Your doctor will let you know what stage you are in if you learn that you have cirrhosis. They’ll describe your liver as either “compensated” or “decompensated,” depending on how well it’s functioning. The type of care you receive depends on which one it is.
1. compensated liver cirrhosis
You won’t have any symptoms if you have compensated for cirrhosis. There are enough healthy cells in your liver to compensate for the damaged cells and scar tissue brought on by cirrhosis, so your liver can still perform its function. This stage can last for many years.
2. decompensated cirrhosis:
The stage that follows compensated cirrhosis is known as decompensated cirrhosis. By this time, your liver has developed difficulties due to an excessive amount of scarring.
If you exhibit symptoms of one or more of these disorders, your doctor will be able to diagnose you with decompensated cirrhosis.
3. Jaundice
It results from your liver’s inability to eliminate bilirubin, a blood waste product that can cause your skin and eyes to turn yellow.
4. Ascites:
This is fluid accumulation in your abdomen.
5. hemorrhaging varices:
An expanded blood vessel is a varice. Throwing up blood or having dark, tarry, or bloody feces are symptoms of bleeding varices. This is an urgent situation that requires immediate attention.
6. liver encephalopathy (HE):
When toxins accumulate in the brain, it can lead to confusion, extreme fatigue, and difficulty doing daily tasks like writing or driving.
Along with liver cancer, your liver condition can cause hepatopulmonary syndrome, hepatorenal syndrome, which affects the kidneys, and hepatopulmonary syndrome, which affects the lungs.
Treatment: Home care, medication, and surgery
The severity of your liver injury will determine how you are treated. Protecting the healthy tissue you still have is the main objective.
In order to stop further damage, the condition that is causing your cirrhosis must first be treated. You might need to do the following actions:
- Stop consuming alcohol immediately. A programme for addiction treatment may be recommended by your doctor.
- If your cirrhosis is brought on by an accumulation of fat in your liver, you should lose weight if you are obese.
- If you have hepatitis B or C, take treatment.
- Keep all of your appointments with the doctor.
- Consume adequate protein. People with cirrhosis require more than the average person.
- To prevent the flu, pneumonia, and hepatitis A and B, get immunizations.
- Maintain proper hygiene. Regularly wash your hands.
- Consume a diet low in sodium if you have ascites.
- Consume a diet high in calories and protein.
- If your doctor advises taking a diuretic (water pill) to treat ascites, follow his or her instructions.
- If you are constipated, take the medication your doctor has recommended (trouble moving your bowels)
medicines for high blood pressure. They can reduce internal bleeding brought on by enlarged and burst blood vessels. If your veins are severely swollen, surgery might be necessary.
vaccines and antibiotics. Other infections can be treated and avoided using them.
If a toxin buildup is an issue for you, your doctor may also recommend drugs to minimize it. Steroids can also be beneficial if your liver is inflamed.
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